Na Na pinches her pennies

Shh… don't tell anyone I'm poor. They all think I'm living frugal and green just like everyone these days. This is a blog about a senior citizen living a frugal life, on a fixed income, in a low income food desert, and passing along knowledge from lessons learned. Some she learned from her Grandma Mama many years ago and some learned only a few days ago.

Food storage downsizing

It never fails. Just when I believe I’ve got everything all organized and under control the STUFF – while hiding in the dark – has a wild party and multiplies itself. Each time I visit my food storage area I ask the question “where did all this stuff come from?” It’s really tempting for me to believe the food pantry fairies will magically keep the food storage space neatly organized and impeccably maintained. However, that’s not true. Life happens. A few days ago my granddaughter made a comment “NaNa you’re a hoarder.” That stung but she’s right, the ciaos looks like a hoarder house.

In January I had started giving away excess foods as soon as I received it. I’m always given more food than I can eat or want to eat. How’s that? Well, the mobile foodbank doesn’t give recipients a choice. People drive up, the food boxes are put into the car, you drive away. It’s the same with the USDA senior commodity food boxes. People go inside, sign the sheet, take the box to the car and drive home. Since January getting rid of excess right away is working.

I have no more fear of wasting food and I’m not trying to eat it all myself. I’m happy someone else will benefit from the excess. However, back in January I hadn’t yet gone through my food storage from last year. It needed a major cleaning and organizing. My healthy eating is at a standstill because it’s difficult to eat what I have if I don’t know I have it. All the repair work that was done inside my house created a LOT more ciaos because I had to move things out of their way several times. My food storage area/sewing area/crafting area is a total mess. It had become one of the catch all spaces for the stuff being moved around. The room is what my granddaughter was referring to as hoarding.

I’ve seen pictures and watched videos of people who show off their large walk-in pantries with matching containers in just the right size and all coordinated with neatly written labels. The problems of shelves and containers with all those neatly made labels is that food can’t read labels. Hmm, whether it’s right after a shopping trip, after a foodbank trip, or after preparing a meal; organized food storage is dependent on whoever puts the food away and in the right place. I confess I didn’t always take the time to put the food away or give any of it to someone else. That’s changed. Or rather, I’ve changed.

Now that the house repair work is finished my goal is, one more time, to get the ciaos of my STUFF under control. I’m in the process of re-arranging, cleaning, and consolidating these shelves of food. Maybe when each food is assigned a home I’ll keep it reasonably organized and inventoried so I can actually eat healthy.

I was gifted tip money to use for whatever I need. I bought a new pair of slip on shoes for my orthotics appointment on the 20th. I believe this brand may be a generic version of Kizik. Gosh the shoes look very long but they are actually a size 6 wide. The rest of the tip is being saved for groceries. I won’t use it until I know what I have and what I actually need. If there is some left after groceries I’ll use it for garden supplies.

The shelves may not stay on this wall. Eventually, after all the boxes in this room are downsized, I may move things around to create better work flow and add a fourth shelf unit my daughter has at her house. She no longer needs it but I do. Next weekend I’ll show the progress I make as I continue the downsizing and organizing.

Stay safe, stay happy, much love from Kentucky,


9 comments on “Food storage downsizing

  1. Maureen
    March 13, 2024

    You are not a hoarder at all Anita! ! You are a most generous, giving lady. I remember during Covid you made masks and didn’t even ask for any money. If there is ever a shortage of food and supplies you would be the first one to help out others! Thank you for sharing all that you do, I’ve been reading your articles for quite awhile and very much appreciate your kindness and generous spirit.


    • Anita
      March 14, 2024

      Thank you Maureen, yes I did make about 500 masks and gave them away. Many of them went to homeless camps by way of the soup kitchens and some got mailed all over the country for anyone who needed them. It’s my way of paying my blessing forward.


  2. Linda Feldman
    March 12, 2024

    You will eventually get your food storage organized! Just do what you can, some days it will be more and some days it will be less. I have had the same feeling of being overwhelmed with this issue as well. One thing I have learned is to not watch more than a few YouTubers/bloggers and their food storage pantries because I will get too discouraged. But I have made progress by doing the best I can and just keeping at it.


    • Anita
      March 12, 2024

      I appreciate the encouragement Linda. I would get discouraged when I watched too many. I’ve been limiting myself to just one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening for internet. I spend more internet time for writing a post on the weekend.

      Eating too much out of fear of wasting food has been rough on my health. I’ve been slowly changing my cooking from family size meals with lots of leftovers to small single person meals by using tiny pots and pans. If I cook less I’ll eat less. Converting my favorite recipes to single size has helped a lot.


  3. Selena
    March 11, 2024

    Skechers are a good brand. We each have a pair (bought at the outlet mall – BOGO half off day that was a pleasant surprise).

    I swear things do multiply in the dark. After piling things “out of the way” during the time of many family illnesses/deaths and buried alive at work, I’ve been picking at things. Plus the totes in the basement. The challenge is to make sure items that have resale value (some are collectible/antique) get placed in the “sell” area. Trying to get my place somewhat cleaned out. Older kiddo is FINALLY taking some of her stuff/going through her stuff/taking her stuff (mostly from bedroom but some from basement). Younger kiddo, who lives in the area, has most of the bedroom stuff cleared out.

    While I don’t qualify you as a hoarder. Those of us of a certain age were directly influenced by the Great Depression – lived through it and/or close relatives who lived through it. AND learned from it I must say. Next time granddaughter utters “hoarder”, ask if she wants to spend 15-30 minutes helping you organize.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anita
      March 12, 2024

      Thank you Selena, I’ve seen Sketchers before but never the step and go kind. I like the ridged heal part that makes them so easy to get on and they are very comfortable.

      Yes, I was influenced by Grandma Mama and Papa when growing up. But the 1970s oil embargo reinforced my keep everything tendencies. I’ve inherited lots of things I plan to pass on to others so I can watch them enjoy the stuff.

      My granddaughter will be 6 on the 27th. Good idea. She would love it if I asked her to help clean the mess. When she was only two I gave her a toy broom and mop set and she loved it. Last Christmas I gave her a bunch of kid safe kitchen items because she is always helping with the cooking.


      • kaythegardener
        March 14, 2024

        Yes, living in the low income zone, especially for seniors or single mothers, takes a lot of mental energy to constantly battle current vs next day or week needs. Should I spend $5 on groceries or get the kid some newer school shoes next month??

        No wonder we go to bed “early” before 1 am!! And there is usually more chores already waiting for the morrow!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Debby
    March 10, 2024

    I like those shoes a lot. Not sure what they’d look like in a 9 1/2 narrow though. 😊


    • Anita
      March 10, 2024

      My daughter said almost the same thing about finding a 10 narrow.


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