Na Na pinches her pennies

Shh… don't tell anyone I'm poor. They all think I'm living frugal and green just like everyone these days. This is a blog about a senior citizen living a frugal life, on a fixed income, in a low income food desert, and passing along knowledge from lessons learned. Some she learned from her Grandma Mama many years ago and some learned only a few days ago.

I’ve been sick AGAIN

Gosh I sure do get tired of being sick and tired! It’s enough to make a person start using curse words. I’m still not completely well but feeling better. It all started a year or so ago or maybe longer when I began feeling very tired. I blamed my being so tired on not enough sunshine and bad diet. I started taking naps everyday. I was following a diabetic diet but I wasn’t getting the right kinds of foods. Food bank food is to keep people alive, not healthy. At that time I craved and ate lots of ice. My NP told me it was due to my high A1C making me thirsty. This craving for ice and taking naps went on for a few months.

A couple of months ago I started craving popcorn as well as ice and I began taking not one but two or three naps each day. Each nap lasting one and a half or two hours. I still believed it was because of not getting the right foods and enough sunshine. We had days and days of clouds and / or rain. I also had intense itching on my back and legs. I didn’t make the connection to what was really happening with my body. I kinda thought I might simply need more liver in my diet because I needed it when I was a child. My morning sugar reading remained between 119 and 145.

I had mentioned to someone on one of my last blog posts about my intense craving for popcorn. The craving was getting worse. I was even waking in the middle of the night craving it. I was sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. Wake in the morning, take a morning nap, wake in the afternoon, take an afternoon nap, wake in the evening, take a nap before bedtime, wake to eat then go to bed early. Next day start over again. I was eating a little food but really didn’t have an apatite. When the weather changed to give us some days with sunlight I started feeling just a little better but the popcorn cravings continued.

About a month ago I awoke with a horrible ear ache and a tooth ache in a place where I don’t have teeth. I took Tylenol and used a heated rice pack on my ear. And, of course, I slept. I craved popcorn like crazy. It was getting more intense. I’d be in the kitchen making popcorn at two in the morning and going back to bed as soon as I’d eaten it. I ate meals but never felt satisfied until I’d also eaten a big pan of popcorn. Half a cup measure of it before popping.

My ear ache and tooth ache went away after about a week. I was sticking to my portion control meals by using the crockpot to cook. Thank goodness I had plenty of ingredients in my food storage to make chicken soup or beef stew while I slept. My daily morning sugar read fluctuated from high to low but despite that I thought I was doing good. I felt well enough to begin – yet again – to downsize stuff.

Well that didn’t last long. I came down with another ear ache the following week but no tooth ache. Again I took Tylenol and used the heated rice pack. After another week of self-doctoring I began feeling better. I managed to go to the grocery to buy some discount apples, a couple of discount salads, and of course, more popcorn. It was on sale. I bought four bags at two pound each. That’s 16 cups. I didn’t want to run out. This container holds 16 cups and has about one and one half cups left after ten days. That’s how much popcorn I was eating.

A couple weeks later the craving for popcorn grew so intense I barely ate regular foods. I had no apatite. The back and leg itching grew worse. I knew something was wrong and I needed to know what it was and what I could do about it. I put in a call for the NP but never got a call back. I started some online research about my strange craving for popcorn. I remembered I had strange cravings when I was a child but I didn’t make the connection to how I’ve been feeling lately. I found information about PICA. Pronounced “PIKE – ah”. People with PICA often crave non-edible things like paint chips or plaster or dirt.

I discovered that in my case it’s not full PICA but only a major lack of iron and zinc in my diet. From what I learned I was / am anemic. Yup, that makes since because as a child I was constantly becoming anemic and given liver to eat and regular doses of liquid iron with wine or orange juice. Liquid iron was awful tasting stuff. In my research I learned that taking metformin with vitamin B12 shots can cause anemia. I wonder why the NP never explained it or had me checked for that?

The symptoms of anemia and what I was feeling are: being tired or exhausted much more than usual (yes); loss of apatite (yes); itching on head, back, or legs (yes); problems concentrating (yes); numbness in hands or feet (yes); hair loss (yes); brittle nails (yes); desire to eat ice or popcorn or other odd food cravings (yes); desire to eat non-edible items such as chalk, paint chips, or dirt (no); shortness of breath for even simple tasks such as walking from one room to another (yes); leg cramps (yes); blue cast to the whites of eyes (no); and false high blood sugar readings on monitors despite controlled eating (yes). I’ve had all but two of these symptoms. Why has the NP never requested a complete CBC on me?

I went to the store to buy some iron tablets. I reasoned it couldn’t hurt to take one pill each day to see how I felt. At least it could rule out or confirm anemia. After about four days I was feeling less tired and no longer in need of multiple naps. My craving for popcorn grew less intense. Most of the itching has gone away. This morning I had only a faint craving for popcorn.

For my own health safety I need to figure out a new meal plan and come up with a way to buy the healthy foods I need on a tight budget. I want very much to get off the metformin! So my next project is to create a reverse menu plan and grocery list. I’ll post my progress along my journey.

Hugs from Kentucky, stay safe in all the bad weather.


12 comments on “I’ve been sick AGAIN

  1. Deanna
    April 19, 2024

    I have had to take iron and have had issues with constipation from the pills. I found a product on Amazon that is a liquid iron supplement. I can take it without the other “side effect”. It is called floradix and is easy to take. I’m sure you will research this and see if it could fit with your needs. It has been very helpful for me.


    • Anita
      April 23, 2024

      Thank you. I took liquid iron when I was a child. For me the pills are working ok.


  2. Selena
    April 18, 2024

    A – the glucose level *used* to be 120 – AFTER you fasted for 24 hours. Big pharma pushed to lower it to 110 and now only fast 12 hours. Another Big Pharma push to 100. China said nuts to 100 and continues to be 110 (last I checked).

    B – The US medical system treats women like dirt. Despite lip service to the contrary, those who are uninsured or on Medicaid do not get the same standard of care either. I had a horrid experience last year and it was thousands of dollars out of pocket for me. It WILL NEVER happen to me again. To add insult to injury, a back door attempt was made to collect on a denied claim. Guess they never figured their “target” used to work in the insurance sector and knew the law and contract policy.

    Don’t get me started on the inability to get incorrect, horribly incorrect information off your medical record. May it not haunt me.

    C – Yes, a medical provider *should* discuss side effects and contraindications – be it other Rx meds or OTC/supplements.

    A family member vetted doctors when he moved back here – one criteria was no pill pushers. Another was one whose ego could handle a “no, not going to take said pill/have said test”. Works for me but unfortunately, the doctor’s office is going to be a longer and more stressful drive.

    For those approaching age 65 (or sooner) who bill be on Medicare, find a doctor now. So many don’t take new patients and/or won’t accept new Medicare patients.

    Maybe B-12 deficiency wasn’t the root cause of your tiredness but your initial suspicion of anemia is. Are chicken livers available at a reasonable cost in your area?


    • Anita
      April 23, 2024

      Thank you Selena. I’ll be using that link as a list of foods to watch for in the store sale ads. As far as I know there aren’t any fasting glucose tests done anymore. At least not here. Now it’s a simple finger stick in the office with an instant read for the past 3 months. The person doesn’t even need to be fasting. We are told our goal is to have A1C below 5.7 and then they want to prescribe either Ozempic, Mounjaro, or Jardiance shots without explaining the life threatening side effects. Isn’t it ironic that we are fighting to keep street drugs out of our country at the same time big pharma drugs are advertised hundreds of times daily? In my opinion both can be just as deadly.

      Yes, I’ll be buying chicken livers this week. I can only buy them when I intend to cook and eat them right away. They don’t freeze well raw or cooked. I’m doing my best to return to the healthy foods we ate when I was a child.


      • Selena
        April 23, 2024

        If it were me, I’d be hesitant to have any medical diagnosis made off a finger stick glucose test. When I had fasting blood tests, all but the A1C results were available within hours. A1C was available the next day. A finger stick number is a result at that point in time, nothing more.


        • Anita
          April 23, 2024

          Yes, of course I’m leary of the finger stick quick test but the fasting blood draw test is no longer given. In the past I had an a1c blood draw test every three months and always had to be fasting. It was a shock to me when I was told it’s done different now. Advances in medical A1C testing has made needles in the arm obsolete. The new testing devices give the results for the preceding three month’s blood levels within about 10 minutes. From what I understand A1C test kits can be bought over the counter for home use. I haven’t seen them myself yet.


  3. Federica Rodi
    April 18, 2024

    honestly to read diabetes result correctly you should do a glucose curve. The result is true since it reads the result along different moment of glucose metabolism. In this case if you have diabetes and you need medicine, it should be crystal clear.

    for the rest, you can research, inform etc but the main question remain why you are anemic? is this metformin? is because you have other comorbidities? the same result of anemia is being celiac? did you test? did they check your stomach or intestines? is your thyroid ok?

    Mt thyroid did not work and in fact I discovered I have hashimoto, this is an immune disease and it can cause all of your symptoms..

    so, it’s good that you research but at the same time you need tests to exclude illnesses that, in case, should have to be addressed properly.

    Food is important but sometimes the wrong one can worsen your health.

    anyway, you know your medical system, I’m from europe and here is different. You know yourself too.

    I hope you can find a good doctor that will help you in getting better.

    PS: you are the same age of my mama, that’s why I allowed myself to comment on your post. I apologize if you find it disrespectful.


    • Anita
      April 18, 2024

      I didn’t think your comment as disrespectful at all. Just a difference of perspective. You explaining what you understand and me explaining what I understand. I basically agree with what you say and will only take the iron tablets as a temporary fix until I can get blood tests done.

      Here in the states good health care is all about “the money”. The care given basically comes down to those who have money and those who don’t. We have what I call revolving door medical clinics for low income and fixed income people. Appointments are in 15 minute increments with quick evaluations but no real conversations.

      In my personal opinion we have a horrible health care system. Have you heard the expression “a pill for every ill”? There is no profit from well people. Prescription meds are not intended to “cure” but simply to keep people alive to continue paying for meds. The side effects of those meds are controlled with even more meds with side effects and it continues. The more prescriptions a person takes the higher the profits for the makers.

      Here in the states the medical professionals knowledge of food nutrition is rudimentary. They are more comfortable with drugs than with food because their medical education is about drugs and not food. The philosophy of Hippocrates “let food be thy medicine” has been set aside to gather dust. Patient nutrition education consists of only one meeting lasting about an hour. They tell us eat this not that and now go home and do it.

      It’s the same with the “diet” industry claiming to have the cure for obesity if you have the money. There is no profit from skinny healthy people. Look at the grocery stores for examples. Pound for pound an apple or orange is more expensive than chicken nuggets for kids. The food industry is making people fat and the diet food companies are keeping us that way. I watch a lot of videos about using food as a path to better health. What I believe we need here in the US is a food hospital like the one in this 43 minute youtube video from the UK.


  4. eckster
    April 18, 2024

    Good information. I appreciate the amount of reading and research you do. I agree that practitioners tend to prescribe pills a little too freely. (I’m dealing with medications for my mother. She’s up to four in the morning and five at night. A nurse once exclaimed, “Oh! She’s not on very many meds at all!” My face must have betrayed me because then she clarified “Well, two are supplements.” Uhm. Right.)

    That’s ironic about the B12 — I thought initially you got it to stave off the tiredness and now it possibly causes low iron/ anemia, which in turn makes you tired? WTH?

    Hypothyroidism also causes tiredness, itchiness (dry skin). Just an FYI from experience. Still fascinated by the cravings for popcorn. What site did you find that mentioned/confirmed that?


    • Anita
      April 18, 2024

      You’re right I did start getting the B12 shots because I was tired all the time. At the time I thought it a miracle drug for me. It was never explained to me about the side effects of the shot in combination with metformin. I believe my symptoms are the same as many medical issues as well as side effects of various medicines. I went to Wikipedia first which led me to sites like Cleveland Clinic, US health news, American Journal of Medicine, National Center for Health, Science Digest, John’s Hopkins, and others. When my mother passed she was on 69 daily pills and 5 shots. I don’t want to be like that!

      I’ll only be taking the Iron tablets until I get some bloodwork done. What we need here in the US is “food hospitals” like they have in the UK.


  5. Federica Rodi
    April 17, 2024

    hello Anita, you really should take a full blood work and see from there. what you are doing is borderline dangerous. you have diabetes and supplements can modify the sugar in your blood, depending of the stuff they are made of.

    please, take care. don’t do the doctor 🙂

    have a quick recovery


    • Anita
      April 17, 2024

      I agree working in partnership with a doctor is best but we also need to take control of our own health too. I don’t believe in “a pill for every ill and another pill for the side effects of those pills”.

      I did put in a call to the nurse practitioner and never got a response. I had to do something. Nurse Practitioners can make mistakes too. I believe people should “trust but verify” the advice of the doctors. I don’t know why the NP never explained about the dangers of metformin in combination with B12 shots or why in the years I’ve been her patient she never ordered a CBC to check my blood condition.

      The pharmacist helped me decide whether to take just iron or iron plus other things based on my current medications. I was obviously not getting enough iron from the foods I’ve been eating so an iron tablet would boost the iron.

      The number one thing I learned from my research about metformin with B12 shots is that it can cause low iron and zinc which will give false blood sugar readings. So, if the A1C reading is falsely high then another medication is not needed. Something else is wrong. I’m searching for a holistic doctor or NP who works in partnership with patients instead of feeling superior to them. I hope to find someone who believes food is the best medicine. They are hard to find.

      Thank you, I’m feeling much better and will work at including more iron and zinc foods in my meals. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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