Na Na pinches her pennies

Shh… don't tell anyone I'm poor. They all think I'm living frugal and green just like everyone these days. This is a blog about a senior citizen living a frugal life, on a fixed income, in a low income food desert, and passing along knowledge from lessons learned. Some she learned from her Grandma Mama many years ago and some learned only a few days ago.

Begin again

How can I explain the brain fog I’ve had the last couple of months? I was functioning but not actually living. I’d start a project but the tired and sleepy feelings from anemia would overcome me and I’d end up back in bed. Thankfully, the iron tablets are helping me stay awake like a normal person which means I can start putting my house back in order. It’s hard to believe four months have gone by and very little of my 2024 goals have been done. So now I’ll begin again as if the year has just started. I’m praying nothing else happens to delay me again.

I can’t remember exactly which day it was when I spilled tomato juice in the refrigerator. I felt too weak and tired to clean it right then so I left it as it was. I told myself I could deal with it later and went back to sleep. Now that I’m more at myself the first thing I did was clean up that awful mess. This wouldn’t have been such a problem if the shelf liners had been there. I could have just washed those. Hmm, I wonder why I took them out and where the heck are they now?

Before I could get started on that cleaning project I had to wash all the empty canning jars that had been left setting on the counter. I feel so neglectful but also grateful I had plenty of home canned foods to eat. A whole day was spent just cleaning in the kitchen and it’s not finished. I’ll mop the floors next and clean the stove.

I decided the whole fridge could use a good spring cleaning. I took everything out and cleaned the inside walls and the door shelves. I also thoroughly cleaned the door seal. I don’t know how it happens but the folds of the seal get dirty.

It looks so much better now. I had a bunch of outdated fast food condiments. They were given to me and I wasn’t using them so those got trashed. In my opinion the kitchen is the most important room of the whole house to keep clean and disinfected. When I’m not sick I clean everything thoroughly once a week with spot cleaning done daily.

Not only did my house get neglected but so did the onions I had intended to chop and freeze. None of them will go to waste. I freeze the tops and skins for when I make chicken or veggie stock. My freezer was defrosted and cleaned really well last month but it won’t hurt to clean it again. One can’t be too careful when it comes to keeping a kitchen clean.

I believe my next big projects should be inventory the food storage so I’ll know what is needed and also working on my fair entry quilts. Oh my, I forgot I need to get the gardens started and finish rearranging the pantry shelves. So much to do in a hurry.

Stay safe, stay healthy, prayers for those who suffered losses from tornadoes and floods.


6 comments on “Begin again

  1. pampapa
    May 2, 2024

    Yes, anemia can play havoc with your energy level. I love the baskets in the frig and will adopting that idea. I learn from you so keep writing when you can. Thank you for sharing your life. God blessings.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Anita
      May 2, 2024

      Thank you Pamela for the compliment. I got the baskets from Dollar Tree. I treat them like drawers to make it easier for me to get items from the lower shelves. I did the same thing inside my kitchen counter cabinets but with a different size basket. Those make retrieving or putting away small appliances and pans easier for me. Hugs from KY


  2. Linda Feldman
    April 30, 2024

    It’s takes a while to recover from severe anemia. I had this in 2010 as a complication of my Crohn’s disease flareup. I think you are doing very well to be able to tackle your refrigerator cleanup. Normally that sort of project is something I find a bit daunting even when I am feeling well!!


    • Anita
      May 2, 2024

      Yes, I’m realizing it’s going to take a while to recover. I still have days when I feel very tired but getting better. The fridge is a very small one so that it’s easier to clean and I sure was glad of that. I don’t know why I had taken the shelf liners out but those would have made it even easier to clean.


  3. Essie Oh
    April 28, 2024

    Hello, Anita. Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling subpar but happy to read you are getting better and the brain fog is resolving. It is so hard to push through sometimes so it’s great that you have the freedom to rest and sleep when you are tired and that you are diligent in planning for situations such as this by canning/freezing foods. I am always impressed as to how you make do with so little. Thanks for sharing your daily life! The clean refrigerator looks great!


    • Anita
      April 28, 2024

      Thank you Essie. I never knew being anemic could cause such major issues. Now I’m wondering if it may be a cause of some of my other health issues. If I had a 9 to 5 job I’d have been fired. I feel I’ve neglected the frugal part of my life. I hope I’m back to somewhat normal real soon.


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This entry was posted on April 28, 2024 by in CLEANING, FOOD BANK LIFE, Health issues and tagged , .

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