Na Na pinches her pennies

Shh… don't tell anyone I'm poor. They all think I'm living frugal and green just like everyone these days. This is a blog about a senior citizen living a frugal life, on a fixed income, in a low income food desert, and passing along knowledge from lessons learned. Some she learned from her Grandma Mama many years ago and some learned only a few days ago.

We’re all food guinea pigs

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Sir Issacs Newton) Well, in my opinion, the same is true of every so called “healthy diet” ever promoted. For every diet guru, medical professional, youtube influencer, or manufacturer who promotes their diet idea the same number of them will promote the opposite. I’m tired of being a human guinea pig for corporate greed. Eat this, eat that. Don’t eat this, don’t eat that. This is healthy. No that’s not healthy but this is. Those so called experts are using our desire for healthy eating against us.

Behind every scientific study done about what we should eat for health there is a food company and/or medication supplier paying for that study to come out in their favor and using us as the guinea pig for their products. They test on us to see how long we will live and continue to buy which increases their profits. When it’s no longer profitable the tests are changed to “new improved” foods or medications.

Have you ever heard of P-mining or P-hacking? It’s the manipulation of research data or analysis to artificially get significant P-values. Hmm… I wonder if that “P” stands for profitability? P hacking is also called data dredging by Wikipedia.

Why the heck can’t the food and drug companies just settle on what is honestly a simple healthy diet and stick with it? Because there is no profit in healthy people that’s why. The more medicines that are handed out the sicker, lazier, and fatter people are becoming. When I was young we didn’t hear about all the chronic diseases we hear about today. I sometimes wonder if those diseases were here all along and we just didn’t know about them. My guess is the diseases become more prevalent as our foods changed into highly processed.

I believe just about everyone has heard it said that eating more fruits and vegetables is the way to eat healthy. BUT, what if the fruits and vegetables available in stores have lost most of their nutritional values? Due to hybridization the fruits and vegetables we buy in the grocery today contain way, way less of their vitamins and minerals than those that people ate 60, 90, or 100 years ago. That means we must eat more food to get the same amount of nutrition. How can that be healthy?

Medicines prescribed to people these days are made to manage disease symptoms only while keeping the people dependent on those drugs. Each medication needs another medication to treat the side effects of that drug. Then more medications to treat those side effects. We are not a preventative medicine country. We are a for profit pharmacy and insurance driven country. 

At my last medical office visit the NP got upset at me for refusing a new prescription for a third diabetes drug. I don’t want more drugs, I want less. Over half the people in the USA and possibly even more are being treated for some type of disease with medications. Anyone who doesn’t take charge of their own health will be given more and more drugs until they’ve outlived their human monetary value and they die. It’s not uncommon for a senior person to take 10, 15, or more pills and/or shots daily.  

The food industry is also to blame for our nation’s declining health. The low income people die many years sooner than the people with a higher income because the diet of the poor includes mostly cheap, over processed, misleading, and fake foods. Would you know if the ground beef you bought actually contained old meat dyed red? You couldn’t tell by looking. Would you know if the frozen macaroni and cheese dinner you’re eating contains fake cheese? You can’t tell by looking. Would you know if the bread you eat contains wood pulp? You can’t tell by looking. 

Check any low priced food item and most likely you’ll find these three things in some proportion: 1) ultra processed grains, 2) sugar called by many different names, and 3) seed oils. There is no such thing as vegetable oil because vegetables don’t have oil in them. The American diet has gone from 100% natural a couple generations ago up to 80% ultra processed of today. Low income children being born today won’t know how a real natural grown vegetable or fruit should taste. We’ve let ourselves become fatter, sicker, lazier, and more depressed.  We are becoming like the obese characters in the Wall-E movie.

Think about this. Diabetes is not caused by a metformin deficiency in our body. Obesity is not caused by a deficiency of Ozempic. Heart disease is not caused by a statin deficiency. We must take control of our own health. Natural food in it’s original form is the best reversal. Eating as close to natural is my #1 goal for 2024 and I’m doing my best to stick with it.

I depend on the drive through foodbank that gives us store donated foods. I keep the fruits and veggies but give away the ultra processed items. I’ll do my best to grow food in my own back yard or buy from local farmers the things I can’t grow myself. There is a place not far away that has plots of land for growing food but there is a long waiting list. However, some of those people growing food there also sell at the Shively farmer’s market and I do buy produce from them. 

Stay safe, stay well,


20 comments on “We’re all food guinea pigs

  1. wideeyedwanderingspoonie
    February 6, 2024

    *insert wildly clapping hands* You are so right! My hubs is a type 1.5 diabetic, it’s an autoimmune diabetes but… he also has some of the metabolism problems of type 2. He cannot produce sufficient insulin and so is injection dependent but also takes metformin for the type 2 characteristics. He’s 170 lbs and tops out over 6’1″ never been obese. All along we have been told NOT to try to control is BG numbers with diet, just adjust the fast acting insulin before meals. EXCUSE ME!?!? Needless to say, we do things our own way ;-) Keep the faith GF. 

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anita
      February 11, 2024

      Yeah, I’m with you on the doctor advice. That’s why I’m doing my best to control my own health. I’ve made a couple of discoveries lately. I get hooked on plain saltine crackers and eat way too many and then my sugar goes way up. I’m talking about a whole sleeve of them at one time. But if I eat the same amount of whole wheat crackers with home made peanut butter my sugar goes down. Maybe it’s adding the protein of peanut butter or maybe the whole wheat vs white flour of the crackers. I’m not sure.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Selena
        February 11, 2024

        It is the addition of peanut butter or meat, even cheese that helps prevent the sugar spike. I’ll see if i can find the article we read.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anita
          February 11, 2024

          Thank you, I’d appreciate that.


      • wideeyedwanderingspoonie
        February 11, 2024

        It’s the combination of protein, fat and fiber. The fat and fiber slow down the absorption of the carbs, hence the whole wheat cracker are slower to get into your system and the protein doesn’t kick in for a couple of hours usually. This is all based on research and living with a type 1 diabetic but everybody is different. 🙂 Keep up the good work.


  2. Linda in NE
    February 5, 2024

    Correct on all counts! I’ve read studies on how much less nutritious foods are nowadays because of intensive farming practices. That doesn’t even consider GMOs and more and more chemicals involved in growing everything.

    I’ve questioned, too, whether or not Metformin causes weight gain. According to the medical people it “might even help you lose a few pounds” but since I’ve been on it I’ve gained few that won’t come off. Before that I was on a slow downward trend.

    A cardiologist talked me into trying out a statin. Before the pill bottle was half empty I noticed it was raising my blood sugar level quite a bit. Her solution? We can give you something for that. I told her I wasn’t going to take it any more, taking another pill to counteract a pill I was already taking didn’t make sense. Like your NP she got upset and told me if I didn’t take it I would die. My reply to that was we all die someday. Her jaw dropped, she got up, said she would see me next year and left the room. Haven’t seen her since.

    They may say that money is the root of all evil. It certainly seems to be the cause of a lot of ill health. We all need to read those labels and use our common sense. I always enjoy reading your well thought out posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anita
      February 11, 2024

      Thank you Linda for staying with me all these years. When I was put on Lisinopril several years ago I developed a cough so bad I thought I had lung cancer and was about to die. Twenty four hours after quitting the pills my cough was gone. NP told me I should give my body time to get used to the medication. I told her “then you take them because I won’t.” I agree, money is the cause of bad health globally.


      • kaythegardener
        February 12, 2024

        Lisinopril for blood pressure seems to be notorious for dreadful coughing fits (up to about 1/4 of the patients, according to my pharmacist — including himself). So I got the doctor to change it on an immediate quickie visit!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anita
          February 13, 2024

          Yes, very bad stuff. Glad you got it changed.


  3. tracypacesplace
    February 5, 2024

    I’ve been following the research on climate change and I think we are all going to need to eat a basic plant-based diet in future. Meat, eggs and fish will be occasional, just as they were earlier in our evolution.

    I met some interesting vegans last year and I now use some of their recipes and preferred foods like tofu, cauliflower and sweet potato. Many of the mainstream marketed products as plant-based and vegan are also full of chemicals I’m unsure about, also they are expensive.

    I remember you saying a few years ago that you try and eat simple foods, based on two or three ingredients at most, and I feel the same based on my own digestion! Following the pandemic my staple, oats, became doubled in price, but there are several places I can buy loose oats, and one brand, ‘Mother’s Best’ is in the supermarkets at $1.33 or $1.79 per pound.

    One thing I am finding since Covid, maybe it’s due to the US labor shortage, is that many food products I used to rely on are not good quality, particularly frozen and canned vegetables. There are stalks in there! This was previously a cheap healthy source of nutrition, but I don’t enjoy a lot of it now, particularly Kroger brands.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anita
      February 11, 2024

      I’m surprised anyone remembered my simple ingredient meals. I still cook that way. For years we were getting oats in the USDA senior boxes but now we get sugar coated cereals. This month it’s mini shredded wheat with sugar coating. I know what you mean about the stalks in veggies. Those fast moving machines don’t care about what goes into the cans or bags. That’s why I prefer to process my own vegetables. At least I know what goes into them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tracypacesplace
        February 16, 2024

        Yesterday there was a great deal on snow peas, just over a dollar a pound, they were packaged as ‘ready to eat’ but I had to ‘top and tail’ them, bits of stalk! They were worth it though, delicious, I sauted them in butter.

        At Kroger buy three of certain things and they were half price so I got some 6 pack fruit lollies I like with no additives. What surprised me though is they were advertised as ‘3 servings per box’ so a serving now= TWO lollies, not the one iced treat most people would eat at a time!

        I have my blood sugar normal now again (without insulin!) and my weight and bp too. Hope you are doing well : )

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anita
          February 17, 2024

          Tracy that’s great news! I’m still working my way to normal. My daily average is going down.
          Strange about those lollies. Encouraging people to eat more? To discourage dieting?


  4. catherine young
    February 5, 2024

    I agree. I feel that moderation of things one likes to eat and a gradual shift away from certain known culprits and towards healthier foods is a durable strategy. When I feel like I’m getting heavier, I cut my usual food portions in half. Just eat half of what I usually eat. And remind self not to snack. I know I cannot enjoy and endure any specialized diet. Though it is possible to have a medical condition that makes certain foods off limits or cut drastically, I’m not there yet

    How unhealthy is eating commercially canned and packaged foods? Having a diet comprised majorly of such foodstuff. I do try to get as much fresh produce, fruits, dairy, meats but my mainstay is comprised of canned and packaged things from food pantries. Has been for many years. I punctuate my diet with fresh foods, sometimes frozen from fresh —very little in commercially frozen foods. I keep my weight down but not where I’m considered too thin. Same size and weight for most of my full grown life.

    If our diet is pointedly detrimental to health conditions, I do believe a change in certain food items so identified should be diminished or even stopped and the favorable items added.

    Açaí and avocados are two items I’ve added to my diet in recent years, and I’ve cut back on the heavy carbohydrates like pastas, breads, rice, potato portions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Anita
      February 5, 2024

      I’ve seen more and more people lining up for foodbank foods these days. I’m a label reader and careful about what I’ll eat. I wish I could say I had stayed the same weight my whole life but currently I’m about 100 pounds overweight. I started gaining the day I went on Metformin and haven’t stopped. Although I seem to have hit a plateau the last few years, not going up and not going down. My goal is to get off the Metformin completely. I’m hoping my new eating plan works. I tried eating avocados but they don’t agree with my stomach. I would eat more dragon fruit if the price wasn’t so high.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jo
    February 4, 2024

    Preach it, sister! A big Amen!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Deborah
    February 3, 2024

    You are so right Anita. I am tired of hearing what the next “healthy” eating plan is best. I do my best to eat vegetables, fruit, whole grains and some meat and dairy.


    • Anita
      February 4, 2024

      Thank you Deborah, good minds think alike.

      Liked by 1 person

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